This morning, upon noticing several sad looking wilted bananas in the fridge, I decided that a little banana bread was in order. I baked a yummy loaf while wearing a black silk vintage slip. Possibly a little too daring to meet the Queen in, but perfect for meeting the King of Persia. Here are a few ideas to keep your baking stylish:
A 1920's silk robe from Posh Girl Vintage. Do be careful around open flames when wearing robes. Sleeves and fire do not mix; trust me.

This would be ideal to wear if you think you might be getting a sexy visitor. Vintage style slip by Victoria Secret.

The perfect vintage style half slip by Victoria Secret. Wear with this cashmere/cotton off shoulder sweater also by VS.

The best Sunday morning baking is done while drinking Mimosas and listening to Edith Piaf. Vintage Dame's Banana Bread Recipe:
2 cups flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup butter
3/4 cup brown sugar
2 beaten eggs
2 1/3 cups mashed overipe bananas
a pinch of cinnamon
350 degrees in greased loaf pan for 50-65 min, depending on your oven.
Mix flour, baking soda & salt; in another bowl cream butter & brown sugar, stir in eggs and bananas until well blended; stir banana mixture into flour mixture, stir just to moisten; cool in pan 10 min then on rack.
P.S. This is seriously yummy bread. By the time you see this posting, no doubt half the loaf will be in my belly!
A 1920's silk robe from Posh Girl Vintage. Do be careful around open flames when wearing robes. Sleeves and fire do not mix; trust me.

This would be ideal to wear if you think you might be getting a sexy visitor. Vintage style slip by Victoria Secret.

The perfect vintage style half slip by Victoria Secret. Wear with this cashmere/cotton off shoulder sweater also by VS.

2 cups flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup butter
3/4 cup brown sugar
2 beaten eggs
2 1/3 cups mashed overipe bananas
a pinch of cinnamon
350 degrees in greased loaf pan for 50-65 min, depending on your oven.
Mix flour, baking soda & salt; in another bowl cream butter & brown sugar, stir in eggs and bananas until well blended; stir banana mixture into flour mixture, stir just to moisten; cool in pan 10 min then on rack.
P.S. This is seriously yummy bread. By the time you see this posting, no doubt half the loaf will be in my belly!