Vintage Dame loves hippies! Although my Mom was not a true hippie, she did make her own delicious granola & she wore Birkenstocks before they were trendy. I remember her wearing ponchos, kaftans and a gorgeous lavender maxi dress with crochet detail and angel wing sleeves - patchouli Mom!
So, going with the hippie chic theme, I watched Jonathan Berman's documentary "Commune" last night on netflix. It's about Black Bear Farm, a commune started in 1968 in the wilderness of northern Cali. There weren't many clothes being worn back then, even as they chopped wood many of them preferred Mother Nature chic.
The film got me thinking about modern day communes and what a stylish granola girl might wear while gardening, home schooling her kids and making squash soup. Here are a few ideas:
This shrug by Karl Donoghue will allow you to keep your arms free, so that you can stir that big pot of quinoa.

Comfy jeans by Current Elliott to stroll the forest in, looking for magic shrooms.

Warm and cozy poncho by Haute Hippie to wear while teaching little Apple her ABCs

Keep your granola toes warm while you're outside chopping wood for that night's pagan feast.

All available on net-a-porter - even wilderness chicks need a little online fashion once in awhile!
Photo at top, a modern commune called "Cedar Moon" outside of Portland