Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving Ladies!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my lovely dolls!
This holiday season don't let the doom and gloom of the news get you down.
Turn off CNN and put on some snazzy tunes instead:
Etta and Ella are always perfect.
Be stylishly thrifty by inviting some friends over for
a pot-luck dinner.

Instead of a full bar, make a Pink Halo punch bowl (or use a pitcher): champagne, raspberry flavored vodka and a splash of grenadine.
Garnish with raspberries if not too pricey.
Everyone adores this drink, it is sure to be a hit!
A hostess must always sparkle, but in these Recessionista times
it must be affordable sparkle.
So try these vintage style chandelier earrings from ($68)

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