"Reckless spending is a thing of the past!" These gems are from a wonderful book I just checked out of the library, (how thrifty of me!), called "Everyday Fashions of the Thirties As Pictured in Sears Catalogs." The editor of the book is Stella Blum, a former curator from The Met's Costume Institute. She chose a wonderful collection of images that span 1930-39. The advertising copy is almost as good as the fashions: "Nine O'clock and all is Swell!" "You - Winsome and Desirable in Clouds of Rayon Net!" "Be Pert and Gay in this Young Looking Collar!" I am definitely ordering the whole series of these on amazon, they have them "used" and therefore cheaper, so I can be thrifty chic!
Another very cool thing, Sears sold "Semi-Made" ensembles: outfits where all the difficult tailoring and sewing was already done and all the woman had to do was sew a few seams, thereby allowing her to have a "custom fit" - genius! Love it! They also had movie starlettes like Loretta Young endorse some of their clothes, they called it "autographed fashion:" A dress would come with a tag with the star's name written out in cursive - "worn in Hollywood by Loretta Young." So all the stars out there now pimping their own "collections," this is where it all began - with a little autographed tag! My, how times have changed!
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