As the world goes to Hell in a Hand-Basket, (a fake, knock off, made in some hideous factory by children slave labour hand-basket), it is more important than ever to keep our dolls in a safe place - in case we need a little something to get us through the next round of screaming headlines. This lovely little black and white striped canister by Jonathan Adler is just perfect. It would look smashing in a vintage themed bathroom with black and white tiles and maybe bubblegum pink towels.
One issue I have with modern dolls, is that many of the ones on the market now all look the same. I long for the Valley of the Dolls Days, when each pill had its own distinctive look.

These days one can easliy grab for a peach colored doll and it might be for the prostate, for sleeping, for high blood pressure or for anxiety. We neeed to bring back the colored dolls - red, pink, blue, yellow...how else does the medical establishment expect us to keep ourselves healthy during these difficult times?

For doll popping, one must look stylish, here are two options: A 70's style caftan by Victoria Secret. Or, a late sixties, (movie was 1967), purple stunner - "Sparkle Neely, Sparkle!" available at Posh Girl Vintage.

1 comment:
You're so right!! It's the names too...they're too "pretty"...Abilify, Ambien. I want hard, science-y names again! And different colours! :-)
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